
Santa Ana : Advertising Companies Oppose Billboard Limits

Advertising companies say a proposed billboard ordinance that the City Council will consider today would prevent them from selling space on any new billboards in the city.

The ordinance would limit new billboards to 300 square feet and would prohibit them from being lighted at night. It would not allow billboards to be erected within 300 feet of residentially zoned property or within 800 feet of another billboard.

“The ordinance . . . is totally prohibitive,” said Bonnie Kingry of Regency Outdoor Advertising. “If passed, there is no street in the city where we could build a sign.”


Richard Wannenmacher, a spokesman for Patrick Media Group, said the ordinance’s limitations would make any new billboard “non-saleable” to potential advertisers.

The council considered the ordinance at its meeting two weeks ago but agreed to give industry representatives more time to discuss it with city planners. The discussions produced no changes in the proposed ordinance.
