
Bobby Brown, president of the American League,...

Bobby Brown, president of the American League, reduced the suspensions of Danny Jackson and Willie Wilson of the Kansas City Royals from five to three days for fights with the Cleveland Indians, but Jackson said he still has misgivings.

Brown revised the suspensions after hearing the players’ appeals Thursday in New York. Under the new penalties, Wilson and Jackson will miss three games starting with today’s home game against the Boston Red Sox.

Wilson was ejected from the Royals-Indians game in Cleveland July 7 after charging pitcher Ken Schrom. The next night, the umpires banished Jackson when he and Cleveland outfielder Brett Butler fought following two close pitches by Jackson.


“I still have some misgivings because I am losing a start,” said Jackson (4-13). “I lost a start as it was when I went out there on the mound that night--no innings and two pitches. Butler plays the next day and goes on. There’s not much I can do about it now. I did what I could do and had to live with it.

“The only thing that’s kind of hard to understand is their pitchers were throwing at our guys’ heads three times and nothing was done about it, and I threw two balls, one was a slider that slipped and the other was supposed to be inside and wasn’t. It’s kind of like the law in a way; it protects the guilty and kills the innocent,” Jackson said.
