
A Teen Who Sits Is a Teen Who Is Sitting Pretty

Associated Press

The problem with teen-agers in this thriving new Orange County community is that there aren’t enough of them, at least not enough who baby-sit.

The area, northeast of El Toro near Trabuco Canyon, has 3,000 new residents, most of them first-time home buyers.

And it is growing rapidly, according to developers. In fact, it is growing so rapidly that there is not yet a nearby mall or an organized day-care center.


And because many of the residents are young, their families are long on toddlers and short on teens.

“When I first moved out here I got called continuously, like six calls a day,” 15-year-old Autumn Gates said recently. “I would have three to four baby-sitting jobs a day.”

‘Is She Good?’

Debbie Enoch, for whose children Autumn baby-sits, recalled that when she mentioned the girl’s name at a toy-buying party, activity came to a halt.


“Is she good?” Enoch recalled the other parents asking quickly.

According to Enoch, she is. Autumn has been working for her from 9:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday throughout the summer. She baby-sits for a neighbor from 9 p.m. until midnight. Often she has a third baby-sitting job between the two shifts. She says she makes about $125 a week.

And she says she doesn’t mind keeping busy.

“I love children,” she said. Besides, she added, “There’s not a lot to do (out here). I don’t drive yet.”

The developer, Santa Margarita Co., has hired a child-care consultant and selected two day-care sites near parks and two church sites where day care will probably also be provided, said Brian Goodell, manager of commercial sales.


“It is a big priority,” he said. “We can see there is a need for that.”
