
Tyson Charged With Assault

A heavyweight boxing champion has been charged with assault with a deadly weapon and battery after he allegedly kissed a parking lot attendant at the Greek Theatre and then hit a parking supervisor who came to the woman’s assistance, the City Attorney’s office said today.

Mike Tyson, 20, a 5-foot-11, 215-pound boxer, was leaving a Beastie Boys/Run-DMC concert at the open-air theater when he grabbed Tabita Gonzalez, 18, and said “Give me a kiss,” city attorney spokesman Mike Qualls said. When parking supervisor Jonathon Casares spotted the pair tussling, he confronted Tyson, who released the woman and allegedly threw a rolled-up T-shirt in Casares’ face. He then hit Casares with his open hand in a stiff-arm movement, Qualls said. Qualls did not know whether the man required medical attention.
