
Dr. Robert E. Fredricks, senior vice president...

Dr. Robert E. Fredricks, senior vice president of medical affairs at St. John’s Hospital and Health Center, has been elected chairman of the Catholic Health Assn. of the United States. He will be the first physician to serve as head of the organization. In association with leaders from the American Hospital Assn., he will work with state and federal legislators and other leaders to influence health-care policy.

Katherine Lurie has been named Woman of the Year by the board of directors of the Boys and Girls Club of Venice. Her professional and philanthropic accomplishments will be highlighted at a dinner-dance Sept. 15 at the Marina Beach hotel. Lurie is chief operating officer of Real Property Management Inc. Her volunteer interests include drug rehabilitation, catastrophic diseases and cultural enrichment.

City Atty. James K. Hahn recently presented $4,050 to Children of the Night, a Hollywood-based organization that helps runaway, lost and abandoned children. The money was collected from 46 convicted adult-


entertainment operators from business locations in Hollywood, West Los Angeles and the San Fernando Valley who made the contributions under the terms of their probation. It was presented to Lois Lee, executive director of Children of the Night.

A permanent annual student scholarship has been established at the Reconstructionist Rabbinical College in memory of the late Beverly Bain, longtime leader of the Reconstructionist movement in California, according to the college’s president Arthur Green. Last January, Bain was posthumously awarded the Mordecai M. Kaplan Medal by the college. Reconstructionism views Judaism as the evolving religious civilization of the Jewish people.

Andrew Weisz, retired judge of the Beverly Hills Municipal Court, was the installing officer when Ralph O. Briscoe of Beverly Hills was seated as chairman of the board of Los Angeles chapter of the American Red Cross.


Historian and literary scholar John Brewer has been named director of the new UCLA Center for 17th- and 18th-Century Studies. As director, he will be head of UCLA’s Clark Library, a noted collection of materials relating to 17th- and 18th-Century England. The British-born Brewer comes to UCLA from Harvard, where he was professor of history and literature.

Maria Archaederra, executive director of Westside Independent Services to the Elderly, has received the Emeritus College Award of Honor from Santa Monica College “in appreciation for her dedication and commitment to improving the quality of life for older adults on the Westside.”

Robert Kramer was recently honored by B’nai B’rith’s Anti-Defamation League’s Automotive Division at a dinner at the Beverly Hills Hotel. He was cited for his service to the community.


Carl Terzian has been elected vice president of the 1,000-member Los Angeles West Chamber of Commerce, director of the Armenian Film Foundation and a member of the Advisory Council of Project Concern International. Terzian is a West Los Angeles public relations consultant and lecturer.

Sylvia Fogelman of Beverly Hills is the recipient of the 1987 Women in Business Award, presented by the Los Angeles district of the Small Business Administration. Fogelman is vice president of Shur Corp. Affordable Housing and president of the Los Angeles chapter of the National Assn. of Women Business Owners.

Ruth Mills has received the Excellence in Journalism Award from Westside Independent Services to the Elderly. The 99-year-old Mills was honored for her 30 years of accomplishments in the broadcasting industry. Mills served as host of a weekly radio show on KCRW, “The Art of Being Your Age,” until she retired in 1984.
