

In regard to Steve Attenberg’s critical letter derailing the inclusion of PopMeter (Calendar Letters, June 21), I would just like to say I find PopMeter a most brilliant and appropriate way of rating popular music.

In fact, I have often wondered how I could qualify as a guest rater. My credentials are pretty good. I am a standing member in both Savage Republic and Seventeen Pygmies, two respected and influential Los Angeles bands. I also work for Independent Project Records, perhaps the last true independent label left in Los Angeles.

Naturally, I would consider it an honor to be included among the many noteworthy guests you have previously highlighted. (My favorite was Thurston from the Sonics, but Mike Watt was quite good as well. John Lydon was a washout, too predictable, just like his music.)


Anyway, keep up the good work and I hope to hear from you soon.


Los Angeles

The Pop Music Czar agrees. He wants Drucker and Wurther to appear on future PopMeter panels (Drucker because of his good credentials and Wurther to ensure that at least one panel member listens to all the records ) .
