
Datapower Headquarters Is Moving to Costa Mesa

Datapower Inc., a computer power supply maker undergoing a major restructuring, said it will move its headquarters to Costa Mesa from Santa Ana to reflect its need for smaller and less costly facilities.

The announcement came just days after the company revealed a fiscal 1987 net loss of $7.6 million, compared to a loss of $4.2 million the year before. Sales for the year ended March 31 were $5.3 million, down 24% from the $7 million reported a year earlier. The company attributed the widened loss to a readjustment in inventories and reserves required for its planned move next month.

Datapower President Edward Blackman also announced that Chairman Frederick McKee has resigned from the company, completing a transition begun earlier this year. In January, Blackman assumed the positions of president and chief executive officer from McKee under an agreement that called for McKee to stay with the company as chairman for an additional six months.
