

GEORGE BARATI: “INDIANA TRYPTYCH”; “A CHANT TO PELE”; “BAROQUE QUARTET CONCERTO.” Members of the faculty of Indiana University, including flutist James Pellerite, oboist Jerry Sirucek, violist Abraham Skernick and pianist Wallace Hornibrook. George Barati conducting Indiana University Philharmonic. Enharmonic Records EN85-008. This complex music is for the most expert listeners, those who are blessed with what Roger Sessions called “the willing ear,” one that is “attentive, curious and persevering.” These three works are full of difficult harmonies and busy melodies. All three have captivating moments, particularly in writing for the flute and oboe. Yet, they seem to lack a sense of destination. Complexity in music, Barati asserts on the record jacket, leads to a “higher plateau.” This may be true. Barati surely has a message up there in the clouds. But after three tries, one listener could not reach it.
