
Olive Behrendt

I read with much sadness the passing of Olive Behrendt. I did not know her well, but as a young Music Center volunteer, she always treated me as an equal.

It’s strange that as I write this letter I can still clearly see her elegant profile, and hear that distinctive voice. I’m not alone in feeling this.

Mrs. Behrendt was always available for advice or help in a project. Unlike many important people, she was listed in the phone book and answered her own phone. I have had many sprited conversations with this unique lady.


In an era of declining standards Mrs. Behrendt was always a “class act.” The Hollywood Bowl Philharmonic season will now be a little darker with the loss of Olive Behrendt and her frequent box-mate Danny Kaye. They will both be missed, but one can take comfort in knowing they will be remembered.


Los Angeles
