
Immediate Positive Action Is Needed by Dodgers

The Dodger fiasco continues unabated due to the inconsistent managerial style of Tom Lasorda and the obvious inadequacies of Fred Claire. The Dodger center-field problem can be easily remedied by a member of the current squad--Mariano Duncan, because he sure isn’t a major league shortstop. Dave Anderson, who was groomed as the heir apparent to Bill Russell, should be given his chance. He couldn’t be worse than Duncan.

Third base can be turned over to one of the young prospects in the organization and forget the Bill Madlock experiment--his no-field and occasional hitting is ridiculous to endure. Tracy Woodson has potential, but not as a major league third baseman. Where is Jeff Hamilton? In the minors where he’s doing the Dodgers a favor by not embarrassing them by fielding everything in sight and hitting better than anemic Woodson and Madlock.

Come on, Claire, wake up or join Campanis at the unemployment line. Immediate positive action is needed to salvage 1987, and John Shelby for Mike Ramsey isn’t it.



Los Alamitos
