
‘Abortions and the Poor’

The Times is to be congratulated on the editorial. Public funding of abortions for poor women is the correct way to go, both for moral and practical reasons.

Since it is legal for women who are financially able to have abortions, it is immoral to deny this right to poor women solely on the basis of lack of funds.

From a purely practical point of view, every $1 spent to provide abortions for poor women saves the state $5.50 later on in care attendant to childbirth, maternity care, infant care, etc.


Your concern over the new effort requiring parental consent for teen-agers seeking abortions is well taken. Family life for some of our teen-agers is nonexistent. Communication between parent and child disappeared years ago if it ever was present. Often these girls were rejected, neglected, and even abused. To expect them to turn to such a parent in this crucial situation is impossible. Family love and caring cannot be legislated by the state.


Los Angeles
