

The Vista school board may bring back fired contractor C.V. Holder to finish the job of building its new high school--a job Holder was relieved of last week.

Supt. Gary Olson said Holder is one of several contractors who are being considered for the job of finishing Rancho Buena Vista High School.

Holder was fired from the job by trustees, who feared that the Gardena contractor would be unable to complete the job by the time the school was scheduled to open in September.


“We’re just considering all of our options,” said Olson, adding that the school must be finished by fall to prevent further overcrowding of Vista High School.

The district plans to send about 1,600 students to the new school and relieve Vista High, which is 1,700 students over its 2,000-student capacity.

Holder missed a March deadline to finish the school and was fired soon after.

Trustees are expected to hire a contractor at a special meeting at 5 p.m. Monday, Olson said.
