
Neighbors Opposed : Plan for Mormon Church in Canyon Country OKd

Times Staff Writer

The Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors on Thursday approved the building of a Mormon church on Sand Canyon Road in Canyon Country, despite protests by neighbors that it would mark an urban intrusion into their rural area.

Homeowners said the 17,000-square-foot complex planned by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints at Sand Canyon and Condor Ridge roads is too large to be compatible with nearby homes and ranches.

“It will dwarf everything else in the area,” said residents’ spokesman Stephen Crouch.

But Gary Larkins, president of church’s Santa Clarita Stake, said the project will be “as small as it can be and still meet our needs.”


Will Serve 600 Worshipers

The $4-million church will include a sanctuary, classroom building and 38,000-square-foot parking lot. It will serve two congregations of about 300 worshipers each, Larkins said.

In two meetings with residents since the case was first heard by supervisors March 12, Larkins said, church leaders have agreed to a series of compromises with residents, including a change in the architecture to a more rural design and the dedication of 15 feet around the seven-acre site for a bridle path.

Larkins said church buildings will be set back 159 feet from Condor Ridge Road and landscaped in a “park-like” manner. A four-foot-high wall with plants on top will surround the parking lot, he said.


Residents also complained that the church will generate too much traffic on the already congested street, where they said the accident rate rises each year.

Signs, New Lane Proposed

County officials said installation of speed signs, a left-turn lane and more traffic enforcement by the California Highway Patrol will reduce the effect of the church on traffic.

Supervisor Mike Antonovich, who represents the area, said he believes the church will fit in with the community because of the compromises. He said he favors the type of activities the church will introduce in the community.


“If we could get more people in churches, there would be fewer in court . . .” he said.

Antonovich’s remarks brought a standing ovation from about 90 church backers at the hearing.

Neighbors said they will probably file a lawsuit to block the church project.
