
Bottom Line Ethic in U.S.

Lear quotes Michael Novak as saying, “A commercial system needs taming and correction by a moral-cultural system independent of commerce.” But then Norman Lear goes on to say we should look to government for a major part of this. That is a dangerous idea because people are, as Lear states, by nature selfish. It is necessary to limit government to prevent the abuse of power,

Also, many laws have unintended consequences. Antitrust laws supposedly intended to protect smaller companies from larger ones have been used to prevent the mergers of smaller companies who if merged could compete effectively against larger companies.

Another reason not to put so much reliance on government is that it is ineffective. In many cases a consumer is at the mercy of say an auto mechanic or a medical doctor. No amount of regulation can prevent cheating in many situations. The only thing to keep them honest is their conscience.


Historically, the most effective check against the abuses that can occur in private enterprise has been Christianity. It is no accident; the countries strong in Christian morals and culture prospered more than others. Political liberty and private enterprise are not possible for long without a religious population.

Christianity not only provides a check against the abuses of private enterprise, it also offers the example of sacrifice for others that is necessary for true success. Norman Lear mentioned stock manipulators Ivan Boesky and Martin A. Siegel. They are parasites. It is men such as Henry Ford who are worthy of admiration. Henry Ford paid his workers far more than the other auto makers and he cut prices while others were raising prices. Ford was criticized and said business was no place to practice the morals found in the Bible. Ford prospered and those who only focused on the short-term and the bottom line failed.


Los Angeles
