
Growth, Pacific Rim Topics Slated : SIOR to Sponsor Sessions in Anaheim and Beverly Hills

The new realities of tax reform, overbuilt markets, toxic waste impact and other issues will be discussed in two separate conferences sponsored by the Society of Industrial and Office Realtors on Friday at the Beverly Wilshire, and March 27 at the Anaheim Hilton.

Los Angeles Councilman Zev Yaroslavsky, co-author of the recently approved limited growth ordinance in Los Angeles, will debate the pace of growth Friday with Richard C. Wirth, executive director, governmental affairs council of the Building Industry Assn. of Southern California.

At the Anaheim session, John K., Geoghegan, California’s secretary of business, transportation and housing, will be a panelist on the impact of the Pacific Rim on the Southland real estate market. Other participants will include Richard King, Bowen H. (Buzz) McCoy and Tomonori Kobayashi.


Arthur W. Hummell, former U.S. ambassador to China, will describe that nation’s emerging economic strength and its impact on the Southland at the Beverly Hills session. Robert M. Bleiberg, publisher of Barron’s magazine, will forecast the influence of world and national economic trends on the Southland at the Anaheim session.

Panelists discussing growth control at the Anaheim session will include Irvine Mayor Larry Agran, former Mayor Bill Varoulis and Kenfield E. Kennedy, president of of Matlow-Kennedy. In all, there will be five panel discussions at each conference. Topics--in addition to growth control and Pacific Rim matters--include the impact of tax reform, legal issues and toxic wastes.

The all-day sessions are approved for seven hours of continuing education credit by the Department of Real Estate. The fee for the Beverly Hills session is $175, while the Anaheim session fee is $155 until March 17 and $175 thereafter.


Registration is being handled by Martin S. Stolzoff of Real Estate Seminar Resources, 9526 W. Pico Blvd., Los Angeles 90035.
