
Impeachment Talk Is Back

Let’s be clear about what the real issues are.

First and foremost we are fueling two bloody wars and causing widespread suffering among countless innocent people.

Second, what need be said about sending military supplies to the maniacal regime in Tehran? Iran has pursued a vigorous policy of terrorism against the West in an unbroken line since the Ayatollah Khomeini took power. So as a reward, we send them more arms! In effect, we have become partners in the kidnaping and brutalization of our own citizens.

Third, the war in Nicaragua is being fought by American-hired mercenaries. Whatever misdeeds the Sandinista government may have engaged in, it is small potatoes compared to the genocide that the Russians are inflicting on Afghanistan. But this Administration is not anxious to confront a superpower, no matter how oppressive. There is far less risk in “bombing” a Grenada or a Libya.


When the World Court unanimously condemned our military activities in Nicaragua we chose to ignore it. Whatever happened to the rule of law that we hold so dear?

The President should be impeached and all those responsible should stand trial so that the public can know the whole truth. After all, this is our country. These guys work for us.


Santa Monica
