

After reading Robert Hilburn’s Beastie Boys article (“The Bad Bad Beastie Boys,” Feb. 1), I have something to say to KNAC Program Director Jimmy Christopher, who thinks “(You Gotta) Fight for the Right (to Party)” is a “novelty rap record”:

While I respect you for shooting L.A. radio with some much-needed adrenaline, it is obvious that you are afraid of alienating your more narrow-minded audience members by not playing the Beastie Boys.

Well, Mr. Christopher, you may be surprised when I tell you that many of your constituents know that Beastie Mike D. has more pure rock knowledge in his Miller beer hat than Bon Jovi has in his entire wardrobe.


Secondly, Beastie Boys have come up with this year’s sound track. Wherever you go, from the seediest and darkest alleys of Wilmington, to deep in the Wonder Bread heart of Rancho Palos Verdes, you can hear such party anthems as “Rhymin’ & Stealin’ ” or “Paul Revere.” How many other bands can boast that kind of audience range?

And lastly, kudos to Hilburn, who actually got through an entire article without even hinting at old what’s-his-name.


