
Don’t Blame the Numbers

There has been a lot of negative press in recent weeks about “976” information providers. 976-prefix telephone numbers have recorded messages that are charged to customers’ bills. Critics accuse the providers of using misleading advertising and providing sexually explicit messages. Another complaint is that many 976 services offer sports gambling odds and thus enhance sports betting. Additionally, children get ahold of a number and parents wind up with huge phone bills at the end of the month.

I am a 976 information provider and take offense at negative publicity regarding this industry. There are legitimate business people like myself providing good information to the public. Our advertising does state the cost of a call. My firm, 976-TUNA, offers salt water fishing information that has been very well received by our clients as well as boat owners and operators, landing personnel and tackle shops. Maybe some children that get ahold of 976 numbers could use a little good old-fashioned discipline for abusing the telephone?


Redondo Beach
