
Silverado Canyon : More Study Asked on Mobile Home Proposal

The county Planning Commission on Tuesday requested further study on the impact that 378 proposed mobile homes would have on Silverado Canyon, a remote, sparsely populated area of eastern Orange County.

Planning commissioners told the county Environmental Management Agency to prepare a new report on environmental and other consequences of the project, which a developer intends to put on land known as the Holtz Ranch.

One commissioner, C. Douglas Leavenworth, also asked for a study of the possible impact on the Orange Unified School District if the developer’s plan for an adults-only mobile home park is challenged successfully in court. School district officials have expressed concern about the overloading of area schools if the project is built and is not restricted to adults.


Canyon residents also have voiced opposition to the project, arguing that it would increase traffic and have adverse environmental impacts on the area.

The project ultimately must be approved by the Board of Supervisors.
