
Cachuma Gets Plant; Limits Caught Elsewhere

A trout plant at Lake Cachuma, many up to three pounds, highlighted action Wednesday in the Southern California reservoir fishing scene, with trolling and bait fishing both bringing good results. Trout limits were reported at several facilities, along with good catches of crappie and spotted catfish.

WILLOW BEACH--Continued limits, with many hand-sized trout and one 4 1/2-pounder.

LAKE MEAD--Most of the action has been in the lower basin, mostly all stripers. Two to three-pounders in the majority.

BULLHEAD CITY--Heavy trolling has offset slow pace on the shoreline. Mostly trout, but occasional catfish. About five catches per fisherman.


SALTON SEA--Good results mainly in the Red Hill area, with scattered results on corvina. Talapia sargo have been biting good on the north side of the sea, the croker being caught in the Bombay area.

LAKE CACHUMA--Cachuma Bay has been the prime location for the bait fisherman and the North Shoreline for trollers. The red ear perch are doing well on worms about 25-45 feet deep off Jackrabbit Flats Point.

LAKE CASITAS--Mostly trout, some catfish, at 90-100 feet with mackerel as bait. Some limits. Wadliegh Arm area, at 10-15 feet deep, has been the best location, mainly with eggs and cheese with two-pound test lines. Trolling has been four colors with lead-core lines.


LAKE PIRU--Good trout fishing toward the north end using cheese. Trolling has been with lead-core lines, three and four colors with needle-fish hooks. Some bass and catfish.

LAKE SKINNER--Trout has been fair to good, catfish fair, bass and bluebill slow. Worms, marshmallows, cheese, salmon eggs, rooster tails and needle fish all working well. Trolling is good. A 3 3/4-pound catfish in the deep water near the dam is tops for the week.

LAKE CASTAIC--Several limits on trout. A 9-year-old caught an 8 1/2-pound bass. A lot of crawdads.


LAKE ISABELLA--Slow overall. A few trout have been caught in the dam area, Kissack Cove and Paradise Cove. Some bass at the two coves in deep water, with catfish around Robinson’s Cove and Stein Cove.

SAN DIEGO LAKES--Miramar has steady trout fishing, with some rainbows up to seven pounds. All other species slow. Nightcrawlers, floating cheese and marshmallows have been most effective as bait. At San Vicente, bass continues to have a winter flurry, along with some trout and catfish.

IRVINE LAKE--Good overall. Trout mainly, some crappie.

VAIL LAKE--Catfish and bass continue to be good, with some trout and bluegill. Fair pace.

BIG BEAR LAKE--Not too many people fishing, despite good weather. Primarily trout at 1-1 1/2 pounds with an occasional two-pounder. Mostly trolling, but some working from the shore.

LAKE HENSHAW--Fair overall, but big on crappie. One man caught 25 on a 15-pound line off the dock.


MORRO BAY (Virg’s Landing)--15 anglers (1 boat): 2l ing cod, 50 rock cod, 52 red snapper, 50 red rock cod.

OXNARD--65 anglers (3 boats): 516 rock cod, 6 cow cod, 240 rockfish, 20 whitefish, 820 calico bass.


REDONDO--184 anglers (6 boats): 22 yellowtail, 174 bonito, 103 calico bass, 144 sand bass, 19 barracuda, 7 halibut, 1 ling cod, 372 whitefish, 522 mackerel, 340 rockfish.

SAN PEDRO (22nd St. Landing)--16 anglers (1 boat): 28 calico bass, 80 bonito, 75 rockfish.

LONG BEACH (Belmont Pier)--23 anglers (1 boat): 300 rockfish, 56 whitefish, 4 sand bass, 10 bonito. (Queen’s Wharf)--12 anglers (1 boat): 32 bonito, 73 calico bass, 9 sargo.

NEWPORT (Newport Landing)--68 anglers (3 boats): 11 yellowtail, 485 bonito, 1 rockfish, 2 halibut, 46 calico bass, 30 sand bass, 100 mackerel. (Davey’s Locker)--27 anglers (1 boat): 48 bonito, 14 bass, 43 rockfish, 270 mackerel.

DANA WHARF--66 anglers (2 boats): 53 bass, 48 bonito, 1 halibut, 10 mackerel, 181 rock cod.

SAN DIEGO (Seaforth)--132 anglers (4 boats): 2 yellowtail, 339 bonito, 54 calico bass, 149 sand bass, 51 rockfish, 99 mackerel.

This week’s trout plants were not available.
