

Actress Joan Collins has agreed to return her husband’s Chagall prints and office and stereo equipment in exchange for her art nouveau chandelier, the maid’s television set and a pink valance from the master bed, according to a stipulation signed this week in Los Angeles Superior Court.

Under the agreement approved by Judge Pro Tem Robert A. Schnider, Collins’ husband, Swedish film entrepreneur Peter Holm, also promises not to “molest, attack, sexually assault, batter (or) telephone” his wife, star of the ABC television series “Dynasty.” He also agrees not to interfere in her financial affairs--as long as he gets the 1984 Spartan automobile and its cellular phone.

Collins, who portrays the vixenish Alexis Colby, gets one of the Beverly Hills houses while her husband of 13 months gets the other, under the stipulation which replaces the temporary restraining order she obtained against Holm earlier this month.


In her divorce papers, Collins said Holm’s “violent” episodes left her “in a constant state of fear and depression.”

But Holm, in a reply filed last week, said he has “a deep love” for his wife and “would never behave in the manner characterized in her declaration.”

“In truth,” he said, Collins recently struck him in the face during an argument over renovation of one of the houses. “Our relationship has always been a bit stormy in the sense that we both have outspoken personalities, and these personalities sometimes clashed,” he conceded.
