
Anaheim : City Workers End Ties With Countywide Group

The Anaheim Municipal Employees Assn. ended its 17-year relationship with the Orange County Employees Assn. earlier this year, but tensions between the two groups persist.

On Wednesday, the Anaheim group, which represents 900 employees, filed a $61-million cross-complaint against the countywide union.

In a letter dated July 29, the Anaheim employees notified the county association--which had represented the city’s mechanics, clerks and other workers since 1969--of its intention to sever the relationship, according to Charles H. Giampolo, an attorney for the Anaheim employees. The contract with the county association expired Sept. 30.


On Oct. 28, the county association filed a lawsuit against the Anaheim group, charging it with breach of contract.

The Anaheim employees’ cross-complaint charges the county association with breach of contract and breach of fair representation.

The Anaheim group broke away from the county association because it was displeased with its representation, Anaheim Municipal Employees Assn. president Sharon Ericson said.


Representatives of the county employees association could not be reached for comment Wednesday. In a letter earlier this year, the county association said, “a small group of officers” from the Anaheim association “appears to be sabotaging efforts by OCEA to promote, protect and defend Anaheim employees.”
