
Shocked at Donahue’s ‘Lack of Sportsmanship’

I am neither a Trojan nor Bruin fan, but I was shocked and appalled by Terry Donahue’s lack of class and sportsmanship during the second half of the USC game. With the score 38-0, one would think that he would put in his second- and third-string players. Yet, there was Matt Stevens rolling out and throwing passes in the fourth quarter. Brendan McCracken did little else but run the wishbone on third-down plays. Ron Caragher, who had not played a single down all year, did not get an opportunity to play in the final game of the year.

Many senior players made only token appearances during the last two minutes. I am sure this was most disappointing to them. Donahue certainly did not gain any admiration on Saturday. I would not want my son playing for UCLA.


Harbor City
