
Some Get 4 Days Off but Not the Postman

For many workers, including those at some of Orange County’s larger employers, Thanksgiving means a four-day weekend. Employees at Rockwell International’s Marine and Autonetics divisions, the Irvine Co., Hughes Aircraft and UC Irvine all will have Friday off.

“The Friday after Thanksgiving is our floating holiday,” said Claudia Brammell, a Hughes spokeswoman. “It enables us to have a four-day weekend.”

Not all employers have adopted that policy, however. For those who work for Fluor Corp. and the U.S. Postal Service, for example, it’s one day for relatives and turkey dinners and then back to work.


“The post office is always open on Friday after Thanksgiving--at least that’s the way it’s been for the last 21 years I’ve worked here,” said Marge Levescy, a clerk for the U.S. Postal Service in Huntington Beach.

With the exceptions of police and fire departments, most government offices will be closed today.

‘We Don’t Get Holidays’

“All fire stations and engine companies are not closed--they’re maintained year-round on a 24-hour basis,” said James Radley, Orange County Fire Department assistant chief for operations. “We don’t get holidays.”


Banks are closed today but will reopen on Friday. Federal offices also will be open Friday.

City, county, and state offices will be closed Friday. County libraries will reopen Saturday.

Public schools, including the county’s community and four-year colleges, will be closed today and Friday.


Buses will operate on a reduced holiday schedule today, said an Orange County Transit District spokeswoman. Buses will be running on only 17 heavily traveled routes instead of the usual 52. Buses will operate from 8 a.m. until about 7 p.m., depending on the route.

“It will be like a Sunday schedule,” the spokeswoman said, adding that waiting periods will be about 30 to 40 minutes longer.

Buses will resume their regular schedules Friday.

For boaters, the U.S. Coast Guard is expecting a moderately busy holiday weekend.

“It’s business as usual for us,” said Chief Petty Officer Tom Honke.

“We’re here no matter what day it is,” said Honke, who didn’t sound dejected although he has to work both today (Thursday)and Friday.

“It’s okay because I have Christmas and New Year’s off.”
