
Orange County Election ’86 : Cypress : Councilman Targeted by Golfers Is Defeated

City Councilman Richard Partin, who was targeted for defeat by a group of golfers upset over his support of a development project that will mean closing a 100-acre golf course, was ousted in Tuesday’s election.

But Councilman John Kanel, who voted against the project, was reelected to a fifth four-year term. Two newcomers, William Davis, 47, a businessman and second-time council candidate, and Margaret M. Arnold, 47, a personnel consultant, won the other two open council seats.

Hollywood Park, owners of the golf course, obtained approval on a 3-2 vote last month to build a 169-acre industrial park on the site. Golfers are gathering signatures for a special election to block the development.


“I could not counteract the massive amount of negative hate-mail-type fliers they (golfers) put out against me,” said Partin, who acknowledged that he expected defeat. “It was too many people and too many fliers.”

Spokesmen for the golfers could not be reached for comment.
