
Of Frogs and Men

Do you know how to boil a frog alive? If you throw him into hot water he just jumps out. So what you do is put him in cool water and then slowly turn up the heat. The dumb frog never notices the increase, and before he knows it, he’s the main course for dinner.

The politicians are trying to boil taxpayers using the same strategy. Proposition A to raise the county sales tax 0.5% is generating little organized opposition. After all, who can get excited about a small tax increase?

Already the politicians have qualified another ballot proposition for June of next year that will seek an additional 0.5% sales tax increase. The cynical back-room boys realized that the best way to get both measures passed was to put them on the ballot in separate elections.


Are we men or are we frogs?

Let’s reject this warming pot by voting “NO!” on tax increases.


San Diego
