
Car-Pool Lanes

I drive the Costa Mesa Freeway every day during peak hours and have seen both the Caltrans and the Drivers for Highway Safety groups monitoring the car-pool lane. My own observations lead me to believe that there is a least a one-in-three infraction of use on this lane. And it is certainly empty for quite-long stretches while the rest of us crawl along.

How does the car pool consisting of mother and child lessen the number of cars on this freeway? Or the dry-wall crew or group of gardeners who always rode together? And what about my safety? How can I be protected from the totally frustrated single driver (I know the feeling well) who yanks his car in anger into the fast-moving car-pool lane from a dead stop? Or from the car-pool driver who passes into the right lane because the car in front of him is going only 65 m.p.h. or so?

It distresses me that this situation continues without any apparent concern on the part of Caltrans; in fact they seem to be actively defending their actions and now increasing the problem by similar constructions on other freeways. With my tax dollar.


Costa Mesa
