
The State - News from Oct. 9, 1986

Orange County leads the state in lawsuits arising from automobile accidents, and Los Angeles County is not far behind, results of a survey released by the Insurance Information Institute said. San Francisco had been California’s most litigious county for auto accidents since the institute began its survey of the field a decade ago, but during the 1984-85 fiscal year, Orange County jumped from third place to first, San Francisco slipped to third and Los Angeles held steady in second position. Institute regional Vice President John P. McCann said Orange County’s index increased 24.2%--from 284.95 to 353.97 auto accident lawsuits per 100,000 residents--while Los Angeles rose 6.7%, from 304.83 to 325.12. San Francisco, meanwhile, dropped 6.4%--to 307.88 from 329.04.
