
Proposition 63: <i> ‘Se Habla Ingles’</i>

Congratulations on your article, “Se Habla Ingles . . .”

The League of Women Voters of Los Angeles, which represents the local units of the Greater Los Angeles Area, also opposes this initiative to make English the “official” language of California.

The league seeks to promote social justice by securing equal rights for all and combating discrimination. The ambiguity of Proposition 63 that permits even a mild degree of suspicion about its intent makes its rejection the appropriate action.

The league also believes that non-English speaking citizens and persons not literate should be provided the opportunity to vote and be permitted to have assistance. Proposition 63 threatens to eliminate opportunities for citizens to vote.


Further, the league supports measures to secure an orderly and simplified state Constitution. The provisions of Proposition 63 would lock into the California Constitution unsuitable details and restrictions.



League of Women Voters

of Los Angeles
