
‘Ignorant’ People Who Visit L.A. Art Museums

When I read Tuck’s letter, my first thought was: “That’s great. Even though they didn’t have an extensive background knowledge, those people spent the time and money to see the French Impressionists.”

Then I dwelt on the mental picture of Tuck being subjected to eavesdropping on inane comments, and I realized how wrong I was. It’s a crime that they allow just anyone into museums, but since it’s a free country, and Tuck and I can’t change that, I do have a suggestion.

Museums ought to require intelligence tests first, to screen out those who are incapable of appreciating art. These people would constitute one group. The remainder would have to provide college transcripts. This group could be further broken down into those who majored in art history, those who have had at least one class in art history, and those who have had no such classes.


If museums adopted these stringent guidelines, Ned B. Tuck and the hoi polloi should be safely separated, and I have the feeling each group would be pleased to no longer be subjected to the other.


San Diego
