
Bias’ Parents Tell Grand Jury of Concern Over Inquiry

Associated Press

The parents of Len Bias went before a grand jury Wednesday to express their concerns about the investigation of their son’s death.

Wayne Curry, the Biases’ lawyer, said the Biases appreciated being invited by Arthur A. Marshall Jr., the prosecutor handling the investigation, to talk to the grand jury.

Bias died of cocaine intoxication in his University of Maryland dormitory room on June 19, just two days after the Boston Celtics made him their first choice in the National Basketball Assn. draft.


The grand jury has been looking into the death, as well as into issues of drug use among Maryland athletes and rumors of players switching urine samples to pass drug tests.

According to a report in today’s Washington Post, the grand jury has heard testimony from at least two witnesses that basketball player Keith Gatlin provided a urine sample to help teammate Terry Long pass a university-administered drug test. However, the Post reported that Gatlin denied he provided a urine specimen for Long or any of his teammates.

Rumors surrounding the inquiry have been a source of irritation for members of the Bias family. The family had released a statement through its attorney about the way rumor and innuendo connected to the investigation were being released.


“They (the Biases) have expressed their concerns about the process and indicated to the grand jury the areas in which they would like to see the investigation go,” Curry said.

On July 25, the grand jury indicted Brian Tribble, David Gregg and Long, who were with Bias when he died. Tribble was cited for possession of cocaine and PCP and distribution of cocaine. Gregg and Long were charged with use of cocaine and obstruction of justice by removing evidence from the dormitory suite they shared with Bias.
