
Costa Mesa : Talks Due to Hammer Out Details of Police Pact

A memo of understanding between the City Council and Costa Mesa Police Assn. will be the next step in bringing city police closer to their desired 12.5% pay hike and improved benefits package.

The memo, which will be drafted later this week by City Manager Allan Roeder, follows Monday night’s agreement “in concept” between the police and council members to resume negotiations.

“My understanding is that they will be getting the 12% pay increase--8% immediately and 4% effective January of ‘87,” Roeder said Tuesday afternoon.


Specific benefits, including long-term disability, medical and retirement plans, will be addressed by a task force and negotiated in bargaining sessions, Roeder said.

Hundreds of Costa Mesa police officers, their families and residents packed council chambers Monday night, expressing concern about the quality of officers that the department is able to attract and retain.

The department’s pay and benefits package does not measure up to other law enforcement agencies in the county, according to Dennis Cost, president of the Costa Mesa Police Assn., the department’s bargaining unit.


Pay for Costa Mesa’s 144 officers ranks 17th among the 24 county agencies and currently lacks key benefits that many other departments offer, Cost said.

The 12% raise will increase the Costa Mesa base pay to $2,946 per month. Irvine’s officers enjoy the county’s highest base police pay, $3,223, while Stanton officers earn the lowest, $2,496.
