
Week in Review : MAJOR EVENTS, IMAGES AND PEOPLE IN ORANGE COUNTY NEWS : CITIES : Hungtington Beach Home Faces Cutback

<i> Times staff writers Bill Billiter and Mark Landsbaum compiled the Week in Review stories. </i>

State health officials notified a Huntington Beach nursing home that it will be cut off from Medicare and Medi-Cal funds because of patient-care violations cited during recent inspections.

The state Department of Health Services accused the Huntington Beach Convalescent Hospital of numerous problems, including patients with bedsores and some incontinent patients lying on soiled sheets.

The nursing home has 117 residents, and 80 receive Medicare or Medi-Cal. The home’s owner, Robert Zinngrabbe, said the state reports are unfair and that the inspections were made at a time when he had just hired new managers. “We are working very hard to resolve the problems,” he said.
