
Female Jockey Fight Nets Bite on Arm and $50 Fine

<i> Associated Press </i>

A female jockey was fined $50 after biting another female jockey in a fight which broke out in a lounge at the Calder Race Course.

Laurie Paynter required a tetanus shot after Dodie Duys bit the inside of her right arm during a battle in the jockeys’ TV room over a race last week in which Duys fell.

Duys blamed a fall last Thursday on Paynter in which she sustained a bruised upper back, but films show that Duys’ horse, Silk Pleasure, was bumped out by Curtain View, ridden by Victor Molina. Silk Pleasure then clipped heels with Taiwan Prospect, guided by Paynter, and fell.


On Saturday, Paynter told Duys she should apologize because the films showed she was responsible for Duys’ fall, said state steward Walter Blum.
