
Builders Present ‘Gold Nugget’ Awards : Western States Companies Honored for Best Design, Land Use

Times Real Estate Editor

The Pacific Coast Builders Conference prizes--”Gold Nuggets”--for the best design and land use in 14 western states--were selected from among 804 entries in 32 categories in the 23rd annual competition, a highlight of the conference and co-sponsored by Sun/Coast Architecture/Builder magazine of Glendale.

Hillcrest in Mission Viejo was a big winner for the Mission Viejo Co.--a grand award as the Best Affordable Attached Housing Development-For Sale Housing, designed by Vito Cetta, with land planning by Jack Raub Co.--and three merit awards for Best Condominium Unit or Attached Home (under 1,000 square feet) for Sage-Plan 1; Best Condominium Unit or Attached Home (1,000 to 1,300 square feet for Jasmine-Plan III and Best Condominium Unit or Attached Home (1,301 to 1,600 square feet) for Primrose-Plan IV.

For the record:

12:00 a.m. July 13, 1986 For the Record
Los Angeles Times Sunday July 13, 1986 Home Edition Real Estate Part 8 Page 2 Column 3 Real Estate Desk 3 inches; 75 words Type of Material: Correction
Winning firms in two categories of the annual Gold Nugget Awards at the Pacific Coast Builders Conference were improperly identified in a June 29 listing of winners.
In the category for Best Renovated, Restored or Remodeled Project of Single House or Multiple Units, the Inn on Mt. Ida in Avalon, was a merit award winner with Mt. Ida Inn Inc., as the builder and Warkentin Cox Architects Inc. as the designer. Park Hill, in San Francisco, also a merit award winner, was built by Williams & Burrows with Kaplan/McLaughlin/Diaz as architect.

California Colony in Santa Ana, built and designed by Kaufman and Broad, won a grand award as Best Affordable Detached Housing Developlment-For Sale Housing and a merit award as Best Medium Density Residential Community.


Pacific Ranch in Huntington Beach won a grand award as Best Condominium Unit or Attached Home (over 2,000 square feet) for Plan D-Townhomes and a merit award as Best Condominium Unit or Attached Home (under 1,000 square feet) for Plan A-Villas. The project was built by Mansion Hill Partnership and designed by McLarand, Vasquez & Partners Inc. Costa Mesa Courtyards in Costa Mesa, built by PSB Realty Corp., and designed by Klages Carter Vail & Partners, with land planning by Emmet Wemple & Associates, won a grand award as Best Commercial Project-Retail.

Grand awards also went to Northstar in Marina del Rey, built by Clifford D. Rome & Associates Inc. and designed by Ade Collie/Tom Boyle, as Best Single Family Detached Home (over 2,500 square feet) and Warland-Cypress Business Park in Cypress, built by Warland Investmerts Ltd. and designed by Howard F. Thompson & Associates, Best Industrial Project.

Hamilton Cove in Avalon, received a grand award as Best Condominium Unit or Attached Home (1,601 to 2,000 square feet) and a merit award as Best Medium Density Residential Community. Its builder was Daon Corp. with Klages Carter Vail & Partners as architect.


San Diego area projects won three grand awards. The City Club in La Jolla won as Best High Density Residential Community. It was designed by Collins & Wraight Inc. Eastlake I in Chula Vista, being built by Eastlake Development Co. with land planning by Cinti & Associates, won as Best Residential Site Plan over 125 Acres.

The Plaza at La Jolla Village in San Diego won as Best Commercial Office Building (over 100,000 square feet). Brian Paul & Associates designed it and HCH Associates were land planners.

A final Southland grand award winner was the Las Palmas residence in Santa Barbara as Best Custom Home, built by Steve Lyons and designed by Berkus Group Architects.


Although Southland entries dominated the field, Northern California projects won three distinctive honors.

The Home of the Year grand award went to Ross Court in San Anselmo, built by Elliott Builders and designed by Chris Craiker. The judges presented two special grand awards for specific innovations in design to Cupertino Housing for the Disabled in Cupertino, built by Community Housing Developers and designed by Kurtzman & Kodama Inc., (citing it as an example of “industry responding to a major social need”) and to Sea Ranch Chapel, Sea Ranch, built by Kumaran Construction and designed by James Hubbell/Donald Jacobs AIA, with land planning by George Wickstead (for its successful marriage of art and construction technology).

A complete list of Gold Nugget grand award and merit winners, as announced by the PCBC, follows:

HOME OF THE YEAR WINNER Attached Home of the Year Ross Court--San Anselmo, Calif.

Builder: Elliott Builders

Architect: Chris Craiker Inc.


Builder: Kumaran Construciton

Architect: James Hubbell/Donald Jacobs, AIA

Land Planner: George Wickstead, AIP, FASLA

Recognized as a successful marriage of art and construction technology.

Cupertino Housing for the Disabled--Cuptertino, Calif.

Builder: Community Housing Developers

Architect: Kurtzman & Kodama Inc.

Recognized as a fine example of the industry responding to a major social need with sensitivity and professionalism.

COMMERCIAL/INDUSTRIAL CATEGORIES 1--Best Recreational Facility Grand Award Winner

The Boulders--A Rockresort--Carefree, Ariz.

Builder: Sansira Construction Co./Boulders Carefree Partners

Archtiect: Allen & Philp Architects Inc.

Award of Merit Winners

Dana Point Youth and Group Activity Center--Dana Point, Calif.

Buider: Orange County Harbors Beaches and Parks Department

Architect: Ballew & Associates Inc.

Woodward Lake Recreational Facility--Fresno, Calif.

Builder: Grupe Development Northern California

Architect: Thompson Architectural Group Inc.

Land Planner: Anthony M. Guzzardo & Associates

Private Duck Club--Colusa County, Calif.

Builder: Dickenson Construction Co.

Architect: Wilson Peterson Associates

Leisure Village Ocean Hills--Oceanside, Calif.

Builder: Leisure Technology

Architect: Berkus Group Architects

Land Planner: John Ballew & Associates

2--Best Commercial Building (Office--under 50,000 square feet) Grand Award Winner

Pacheco Valley Offices--Novato, Calif.

Builder: GW Realty Partners, Inc.

Architect: G. Thomas Telfer & Associates

Land Planner: Ralph J. Alexander & Associates

Award of Merit Winners

Newton Office Building--Mountain View, Calif.

Builder: Steve Newton

Architect: Design & Engineering Systems Inc.

The Offices at Sweetwater--Sugar Land, Tex.

Builder: The Greystone Group

Architect: House REH Associates

Land Planner: House REH Associates/SWA

10801 Main Street Professional Building--Bellevue, Wash.

Builder: Wells Development Co.

Architect: Baylis Brand Wagner Architects

Land Planner: Jongejan, Gerrard, McNeal

Newport Financial Square--Newport Beach, Calif.,

Builder: Albert J. Auer & Associates

Architect: Corbin Yamafuji & Partners/CYP Inc.

Building-A, Carmel Mountain Research Center--Carmel Mountain Ranch, San Diego, Calif.

Builder: Dunn Properties Corp.

Architect: Klages Carter Vail & Partners

3--Best Commercial Building (Office--50,000 to 100,000 square feet) Grand Award Winners

R. Dakin & Co. World Headquarters--Brisbane, Calif.

Builder: R. Dakin & Co.

Architect: Design & Engineering Systems Inc./Munselle Brown Partnership

Land Planner: Design & Engineering Systems Inc.

Renaissance Center--Las Vegas, Nev.

Builder: The Renaissance Partners/Larkin Saltman Investments

Architect: Leason Pomeroy Associates

Award of Merit Winners

20 Davis Drive--Belmont, Calif.

Builder: Raiser Development Co.

Architect: Woodson-Barksdale Architects & Ehrlich-Rominger

Land Planner: Smith & Smith, Landscape Architects

Centerpoint--San Ramon, Calif.

Builder: Davco Builders, Inc.

Architect: Richard Dobell & Associates

Koll Business Center Phase II--Phoenix, Ariz.

Builder: The Koll Co.

Architect: Cornoyer Hedrick Arch. & Planners Inc.

Arthur D. Little Building--Woodland Hills, Calif.

Builder: Spound Equities

Architect: The Nadel Partnership, Inc.

Canyon Center--Boulder, Colo.

Builder: Canyon Center Joint Venture, c/o D/L Developments

Architect: Downing/Leach & Associates Inc.

4--Best Commercial Building (Office--Over 100,000 square feet) Grand Award Winner

The Plaza at La Jolla Village--San Diego, Calif.

Builder: The Plaza at La Jolla Village

Architect: Brian Paul & Associates

Land Planner: HCH Associates

Award of Merit Winners

1999 Broadway--Denver, Colo.

Builder: Lawder Corporation of Denver

Architect: C.W. Fentresss & Associates, P.C.

116 Inverness Drive East--Englewood, Colo.

Builder: Central Development Group

Architect: C.W. Fendress & Associates, P.C.

One DTC--Englewood, Colo.

Builder: Murray Properties of Colorado

Architect: C.W. Fentress & Associates, P.C.

Biltmore Commerce Center--Phoenix, Ariz.

Builder: Biltmore Commerce Center Ltd. Partnership

Architect: Cornoyer Hedrick Arch. & Planners, Inc.

5--Best Commercial Project-Retail Grand Award Winner

Costa Mesa Courtyards--Costa Mesa, Calif.

Builder: PSB Realty Corp.

Architect: Klages Carter Vail & Partners

Land Planner: Emmet Wemple & Associates

Award of Merit Winners

Horton Plaza--San Diego, Calif.

Builder: Ernest W. Hahn Inc.

Architect: The Jerde Partnership

Restaurant Project--Bubbles Balboa Club, Ltd.--Balboa, Calif.

Builder: Cavanaugh Development Corp.

Architect: Hill Partnership

Restaurant Project--Bubbles Balboa Club, Ltd.--Balboa, Calif.

Builder: Cavanaugh Development Corp.

Architect: Hill Partnership

The Galleria Santa Barbara--Santa Barbara, Calif.

Builder: The Galleria Santa Barbara

Architect: Berkus Group Architects

Riverbank/Crawdad’s River Cantina--Sacramento, Calif.

Builder: Riverbank Holding Co.

Architect: Roger Scott Group

6--Best Rehabilitated Commercial or Industrial Project Grand Award Winner

Museum of Western Art--Denver, Colo.

Builder: William Foxley

Architect: C.W. Fentress & Associates, P.C./John M. Prosser

Award of Merit Winners

Middletown Square--San Diego, Calif.

Builder: The Davidson Co.

Architect: Architects Lorimer-Case

The Corey House at Las Palmas Ranch--Salinas, Calif.

Builder: Las Palmas Ranch

Architect: Michelle Pheasant Designs

Ivey Seright, A Photographic Laboratory--Seattle, Wash.

Builder: Steffes Construction, Owner

Architect: Martin Henry Kaplan, Architects, AIA

The Princeton Building--Portland, Ore.

Builder: The Princeton Group

Architect: Stastny Architects

Apple Computers--Campbell, Calif.

Builder: Barry Swenson Builder

Architect: HED Architects Inc.

Atrium Court-- Newport Beach, Calif.

Builder: The Irvine Co.

Architect: Charles Kober Associates/Los Angeles

7--Best Indsutrial Project Grand Award Winner

Warland 8--Cypress, Calif.

Builder: Warland Investments, Ltd.

Architect: Howard F. Thompson & Associates Inc.

Award of Merit Winners

Dusan Equipment Corp.--Gilroy, Calif.

Buidler: Carl N. Swensen Co. Inc.

Architect: Raymond L. Rapuano, AIA/The Architect Offices, Inc./Energy Compliance Systems Inc.


Computer Consoles, Incorporated--Irvine, Calif.

Builder: Koll/Irvine Ventures

Architect: DeRevere Partnership

Mitsubishi Electric Sales of America--Cypress, Calif.

Builder: MDC Realty Co.

Architect: DeRevere Partnership

Birtcher Northpointe--Tustin, Calif.

Builder: Birtcher

Architect: Kowalski--Harding & Associates Inc.

HdK--Chandler--Chandler, Ariz.

Builder: Holvick deRegt Koering

Architect: Design & Engineering Systems Inc.

SPECIAL HOUSING CATEGORIES 8--Best Custom Home Grand Award Winner

Las Palmas Residence--Santa Barbara, Calif.

Builder: Steve Lyons

Architect: Berkus Group Architects

Award of Merit Winners

Capoot Residence--Golden, Colo.

Builder: David R. Monson Inc.

Architect: D. John Knudson

Piney Point Residence--Houston, Tex.

Builder: Idle Wild Development Co., Inc.

Architect: Kaufman Meeks Inc.

Via Abrigada II--Santa Barbara, Calif.

Builder: Bertil Hult

Architect: Berkus Group Architect

Manger Residence--Laguna Niguel, Calif.

Builder: Mark R. Eggen Construction, Inc.

Architect: Collins/Steichen Architects

9. Best Renovated, Restored or Remodeled Residential Project of Single House or Multiple Units Grand Award Winner

Rucker Hosue--Denver, Colo.

Builder: Dr. Nolan Rucker (Owner)

Architect: Klipp Associates, P.C.

Award of Merit Winners

Shindler Residence--San Clemente, Calif.

Builder: Gary Shindler

Architect: Carter Designs Inc.

Bassenian Residence--Laguna Beach, Calif.

Builder: Aram Bassenian AIA & Associates, Inc.

Architect: Aram Bassenian, Architect & Gary Donaldson, Interiors

Land Planner: Gres Grisamore & Associates

Inn on Mt. Ada--Avalon, Calif.

Builder: Williams & Burrows

Architect: Kaplan/McLaughlin/Diaz

10--Best Manufactured Home (At Least 75% of Units Manufactured Off-Site) Grand Award Winner

N.E.S.T. 86--Dallas, Tex.

Builder: Nash Phillips Copus & The Housing Information Center

Architect: Berkus Group Architects

Award of Merit Winners

New Territories--San Antonio, Tex.

Builder: Morton Southwest

Architect: Kaufman Meeks Inc.

Stonegate Castaic--Castaic, Calif.

Builder: Planned Communities Inc.

Architect: L.C. Major & Associates

Land Planner: Sikand Engineering Associates

11--Best Affordable Attached Housing Development--For Sale Housing Grand Award Winner

Hillcrest--Mission Viejo, Calif.

Builder: Mission Viejo Co.

Architect: Vito Cetta, Architect (VCA)

Land Planner: Jack Raub Co.

Award of Merit Winners

Princeton Townhomes--Irvine, Calif.

Builder: Irvine Pacific Development Co.

Architect: Richardson Nagy Martin

St. Charles Place-- Seattle, Wash.

Builder: Dally Development Corp.

Architect: John Lane Associates

Park Meadow--Downey, Calif.

Builder: DSL Service Co.

Architect: Collins & Wraight Inc.

Vista Montoya Condominiums--Los Angeles, Calif.

Builder: Campbell Construction Company

Architect: David Hyun Assoc. Inc./Kamnitzer & Cotton

Holloway Terrace--San Francisco, Calif.

Builder: Bridge Housing Corporation

Architect: David Baker & Associates

12--Best Affordable Detached Housing Development (For Sale Housing) Grand Award Winner

California Colony--Santa Ana, Calif.

Builder: Kaufman & Broad

Architect: Kaufman & Broad

Merit Award Winners

Viewpoint--Green Valley, Ariz.

Builder: Cienega Ltd.

Architect: Shleppey & Hezmalhalch Associates Inc.

Indian Oaks--Lewisville, Tex.

Builder: Horizon Homes

Architect: Kaufman Meeks, Inc.

1st Colony--Las Vegas, Nev.

Builder: Metropolitan Development Corp.

Architect: EDI Architects/Planners

Land Planner: G.C. Wallace Consulting Engineers Inc.

Glen Drive Family Homes--Fairfax, Calif.

Builder: Ecumenical Association for Housing

Architect: Rushton-Chartock, Architects

13--Best Affordable Attached Housing Development (Rental Housing) Grand Award Winner

Newark Gardens--Newark, Calif.

Builder: Satellite Senior Homes

Architect: Hardison Komatsu Ivelich & Tucker

Award of Merit Winners

Cupertino Housing for the Disabled--Cupertino, Calif.

Builder: Community Housing Developers

Architectg: Kurtzman & Kodama Inc.

Barnard Park--Santa Monica, Calif.

Builder: U.S. Condominium Co.

Architect: Kamnitzer & Cotton

Mountain Shadows--West Covina, Calif.

Builder: Thomas Safran & Associates

Architect: Kamnitzer & Cotton

Culver City Rotary Plaza--Culver City, Calif.

Builder: Culver City Rotary Plaza Inc.

Architect: Kurt Meyer Partners Inc.

SITE PLANNING CATEGORIES 14--Best Residential Site Plan--under 25 Acres Grand Award Winner

The Villas of Sweetwater--Sugar Land, Tex.

Builder: The Greystone Group

Architect: House REH Associates

Land Planner: House REH Associates/SWA

Award of Merit Winners

Los Lagos De Ocotillo--Ocotillo, Ariz.

Builder: Ameriwest Construction Co.

Architect: Richardson Nagy Martin

Spinnaker Ridge--Gig Harbor, Wash.

Builder: Nu-Dawn Homes

Architect: Mithun-Bowman-Emrich Group, P.S.

The Pavilions--Scottsdale, Ariz.

Builder: Felker Development

Architect: Berkus Group Architects

Mandalay Bay--Oxnard, Calif.

Builder: Voss Construction

Architect: Corbin Yamafuji & Partners/CYP Inc.

The Habitat--Corte Madera, Calif.

Builder: Venture Corp.

Architect: Sandy & Babcock

15--Best Residential Site Plan (25-125 Acres) Grand Award Winners

The Villas of Almaden--San Jose, Calif.

Builder: Shea Homes

Architect: Prodis Associates

Land Planner: HMH, Inc./Richard L. Edwards AICP

Canyon Lakes Lake Area--San Ramon, Calif.

Builder: Blackhawk Development Corp.

Architect: Dahlin Group Inc.

Award of Merit Winners

Sea Point Tennis Club at La Costa--Rancho La Costa at Carlsbad, Calif.

Builder: Continental American Properties Ltd. and Far West Savings & Loan Assn.

Architect: Kiyotoki Associates

Canyon Hills--Laguna Beach, Calif.

Builders: A & C Properties, A.M. Equities, Kaufman & Broad

Architect: Stewart Woodard & Associates, AIA

Foster’s Landing--Foster City, Calif.

Builder: Lansen Development

Architect: Sandy & Babcock

16--Best Residential Site Plan (over 125 acres) Grand Award Winners

Eastlake I--Chula Vista, Calif.

Builder: Eastlake Development Co.

Land Planner: Cinti & Associates

Rancho Santa Margarita--Orange County, Calif.

Builder: Santa Margarita Co.

Land Planner: Phillips Brandt Reddick

Award of Merit Winners

La Paloma--Pima County, Ariz.

Builder: Cottonwood Properties

Architect: Douglas Seaver & Associates

Land Planner: The Planning Center

Marina Hills--Laguna Niguel, Calif.

Builder: Taylor Woodrow Homes

Land Planner: The Planning Center

Westpark--Irvine, Calif.

Builder: Universal Development Corp.

Land Planner: Richardson Nagy Martin

Westbrook Village--Peoria, Ariz.

Builder: Universal Development Corp.

Land Planner: The Planning Center/Phoenix Office

17--Best Commercial/Industrial or Mixed Use Site Plan Grand Award Winner

Ko Olina Resort (West Beach)--Ewa, Hawaii

Builder: West Beach Estates

Land Planner: John L. Chapman Land Planning

Award of Merit Winners

Northgate--Colorado Springs, Colo.

Builder: The Olive Co.

Land Planner: The Planning Center

Batiquitos Lagoon Educational Park--Carlsbad, Calif.

Builder: Sammis Properties Inc.

Architect: Austin Hansen Fehlman/Group

Plaza Alicante--Garden Grove, Calif.

Builder: Beauchamp Enterprises

Architect: The WZMH Group

Land Planner: The SWA Group

Costa Mesa Redevelopment--Costa Mesa, Calif.

Builder: Mola Development Corp.

Architect: McLarand, Vasquez & Partners Inc.


18--Best Single Family Detached Home Under 1,200 Square Feet Grand Award Winner

Copper Canyon--Tucson, Ariz.

Builder: Cienega Ltd.

Architect: Berkus Group Architects

Award of Merit Winners

Mariposa--Colton, Calif.

Builder: John Laing Homes Inc.

Architect: Pekarek-Crandell Inc.

Viewpoint--Green Valley, Ariz.

Builder: Cienega Ltd.

Architect: Shleppey & Hezmalhaich Associates, Inc.

1st Colony--Las Vegas, Nev.

Builder: Metropolitan Development Corp.

Archiect: EDI Architects/Planners

Land Planner: G.C. Wallace Consulting Engineers Inc.

Santa Fe at Rams Hill--Borrego Springs, Calif.

Builder: DiGiorgio Development Corp.

Architect: George A. Collamer, AIA/HNC Architects

Land Planner: PRC Engineering

19--Best Single Family Detached Home (1,200 to 1,500 Square Feet) Grand Award Winner

Copper Canyon--Tucson, Ariz.

Builder: Cienega Ltd.

Architect: Berkus Group Architects

Award of Merit Winners

Rancho Del Sol--Rancho California, Calif.

Builder: The Toman Co.

Architect: The Granada Group Inc.

Regatta--Laguna Niguel, Calif.

Builder: Stein-Brief Development

Architect: Berkus-Group Architects

Waterman Highlands--Fairfield, Calif.

Builder: Centex Homes Enterprises

Architect: Shleppey & Hezmalhalch Assoc. Inc.

Colony at Forster Ranch--San Clemente, Calif.

Builder: Glenfed Development Co.

Architect: Smets Architectural Group Inc.

20--Best Single Family Detached Home (1,501 to 2,000 square feet) Grand Award Winner

Spinnaker Ridge--Gig Harbor, Wash.

Builder: Nu-Dawn Homes

Architect: Mithun-Bowman-Emrich Group, P.S.

Award of Merit

Regatta--Laguna Niguel, Calif.

Builder: Cienega Ltd.

Architect: Berkus Group Architects

Vista Valley Country Club Villas--Vista, Calif.

Builder: Recreations Inc.

Architect: Calderon, Nakamura & Associates

Land Planner: Dale Naegel & Associates

Glen Ridge Estates--San Clemente, Calif.

Builder: Bird Development

Architect: The Smets Architectural Group Inc.

Land Planner: Madole Engineering

21--Best Single Family Detached Home (2,001 to 2,500 square feet) Grand Award Winner

Palo Verde, Sun Lakes--Sun Lakes, Ariz.

Builder: Sun Lakes Construction

Architect: John Scholz

Land Planner: HDR

Award of Merit Winners

Alden Crossing--Foster City, Calif.

Builder: The Alden Co.

Architect: Calderon & Nakamura

Land Planner: John Chapman

Paloma Del Sol--Tucson, Ariz.

Builder: Cottonwood Properties

Architect: Kiyotoki Associates

Summer Wind--Corona Del Mar, Calif.

Builder: Gfellar Development Co.

Architect: Dorius Architects

The Chelsea Collection--Valencia, Calif.

Builder: Valencia Co.

Architect: Richardson, Nagy, Martin

Land Planner: Manzano & Assoc./Flood, Meyer, Sutton & Assoc./SWA Group

22--Best Single Family Detached Home (Over 2,500 square feet) Grand Award Winner

Northstar--Marina Del Rey, Calif.

Builder: Clifford D. Rome & Assoc./R.T. Dev. Inc.

Architect: ADE Collie/Tom Boyle, Architect

Award of Merit Winners

Turtle Rock Crest Homes by Standard Pacific--Irvine, Calif.

Builder: Standard-Pacific Corp.

Architect: Calderone-Nakamura & Associates

Land Planner: VTN Consultants Inc.

Summer Wind--Corona Del Mar, Calif.

Builder: Gfellar Development Co.

Architect: Dorius Architects

The Windemere Collection (Plan 92)--Valencia, Calif.

Builder: Valencia Co.

Architect: Kermit Dorius Arch. & Assoc.

Land Planner: Manzano & Assoc./Flood, Meyer, Sutton & Assoc./SWA Group

The Windermere Collection (Plan 93)--Valencia, Calif.

Builder: Valencia Co.

Architect: Kermit Dorius Arch. & Assoc.

Land Planner: Manzano & Assoc./Flood, Meyer Sutton & Assoc./SWA Group

PRODUCT DESIGN--ATTACHED HOMES CATEGORIES 23--Best Condominium Unit or Attached Home (Under 1,000 square feet) Hllcrest--Mission Viejo, Calif.

Builder: Mission Viejo Co.

Architect: Vito Cetta, Architect (VCA)

Land Planner: Jack Raub Co.

The Meadows of Lompoc--Lompoc, Calif.

Builder: Pegasus Development Corp.

Architect: Leifer, Marter, Duncan

Park Centre Casitas--Mesa, Ariz.

Builder: Paragon Homes

Architects: Berkus Group Architects

The Arbor Park Collection--Valencia, Calif.

Builder: Valencia Co.

Architect: Richardson, Nagy, Martin

Pacific Ranch--Huntington Beach, Calif.

Builder: Mansion Hill Partnership (Joint Venture--Mansion Properties/Urban West Communities

Architect: McLarand, Vasquez & Partners Inc.

24--Best Condominium Unit or Attached Home (1,000 to 1,300 square feet) Grand Award Winners

The Pavilions--Scottsdale, Ariz.

Builder: Felker Development

Architect: Berkus Group Architects

The Villas of Sweetwater--Sugar Land, Tex.

Builder: The Greystone Group

Architect: House REH Associates

Award of Merit Winners

Laurelmont--Laguna Hills, Calif.

Builder: Mission Viejo Co.

Architect: Richardson, Nagy, Martin Architect

Land Planner: Jack Raub Co.

Hillcrest--Mission Viejo, Calif.

Builder: Mission Viejo Co.

Architect: Vito Cetta, Architect (VCA)

Land Planner: Jack Raub Co.

LePalme--Palm Springs, Calif.

Builder: J.M. Peters Co.

Architect: Berkus Group Architects

25--Best Condominium Unit or Attached Home (1,301 to 1,600 square feet) Grand Award Winner

Ventana Canyon Golf Vilas--Tucson, Ariz.

Builder: Herder Homes

Architect: Danielian Associates

Award of Merit Winners

Hillcrest--Mission Viejo, Calif.

Builder: MIssion Viejo Co.

Architect: Vito Cetta, Architect (VCA)

Land Planner: Jack Raub Co.

Cape La Jolla--La Jolla, Calif.

Builder: Brehm Communities

Architect: Danieljan Associates

Beacon Hill Vistas--Laguna Niguel, Calif.

Builder: Taylor Woodrow Homes California Ltd.

Architect: Danielian Associates

The Pavilions--Scottsdale, Ariz.

Builder: Felker Development

Architect: Berkus Group Architects

26--Best Condominium Unit or Attached Home (1,601 to 2,000 square feet) Grand Award Winner

Hamilton Cove--Avalon, Calif.

Builder: B.C.E. Development Co. Inc.

Architect: Klages Carter Vail & Partners

Award of Merit Winners

Laurelmont--Laguna Hills, Calif.

Builder: Mission Viejo Co.

Architect: Richardson, Nagy, Martin Architect

Land Planner: Jack Raub Co.

The Ranch--Durango, Colo.

Builder: The Ranch Development Co.

Architect: Richardson Nagy Martin

The Pavilions--Scottsdale, Ariz.

Builder: Felker Development

Architect: Berkus Group Architects

Ventana Canyon Golf Villas--Tucson, Ariz.

Builder: Herder Homes

Architect: Danielian Associates

Leisure Village Ocean Hills--Oceanside, Calif.

Builder: Leisure Technology

Architect: Berkus Group Architects

Land Planner: John Ballew & Associates

27--Best Condominium Unit or Attached Home (Over 2,000 square feet) Grand Award Winner

Pacific Ranch--Huntington Beach, Calif.

Builder: Mansion Hill Partnership (Joint Venture--Mansion Properties/Urban West Communities)


Architect: McLarand, Vasquez & Partners Inc.

Award of Merit Winners

Cypress Point--Mission Viejo, Calif.

Builder: Mission Viejo

Architect: Mission Viejo

Land Planner: Jack Raub Co.

Turtle Rock Pointe--Irvine, Calif.

Builder: J.M. Peters Company Inc.

Architect: Richardson Nagy Martin

Desert Horizons--Indian Wells, Calif.

Builder: Desert Horizons

Architect: Berkus Group Architects

Seacliff on the Greens--Club Series, Huntington Beach, Calif.

Builder: Cayman Development

Architect: Johannes Van Tilburg & Partners

Las Brisas At Scottsdale Ranch--Scottsdale, Ariz.

Builder: Felker-Edmunds Development

Architect: Terry Kilbane & Associates

Land Planner: Richardson Nagy Martin

RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENTS--FOR SALE CATEGORIES 28--Best Low Density Residential Community Grand Award Winner

Spinnaker Ridge--Gig Harbor, Wash.

Builder: Nu-Dawn Homes

Architect: Mithun-Bowman-Emrich Group, P.S.

Award of Merit Winners

Th Lakes at Northridge--Fair Oaks, Calif.

Builder: Lewis & Bristow Builders

Architect: Robert Howell/Jim Lewis

Land Planner: Donn Reiners

The Ranch--Durango, Colo.

Builder: The Ranch Development

Architect: Richardson Nagy Martin

Turtle Rock Pointe--Irvine, Calif.

Builder: J.M. Peters Co. Inc.

Architect: Richardson Nagy Martin

Desert Horizons--Indian Wells, Calif.

Builder: Desert Horizons

Architect: Berkus Group Architects

Oak Creek Village--Napa, Calif.

Builder: James Knittel

Architect: Sandy & Babcock

29--Best Medium Density Residential Community Grand Award Winner

The Pavilions--Scottsdale, Ariz.

Builder: Felker Development

Architect: Berkus Group Architects

Award of Merit Winners

Bayridge--Newport Beach, Calif.

Builder: J.M. Peters Co. Inc.

Architect: Richardson Nagy Martin

The Cottages at Southridge--Fontana, Calif.

Builder: Meyer Homes Inc.

Architect: Meyer Homes, Inc. & Ben Antell & Assoc.

California Colony--Santa Ana, Calif.

Builder: Kaufman & Broad

Architect: Kaufman & Broad

The Villas of Sweetwater--Sugar Land, Tex.

Builder: The Greystone Group

Architect: House REH Associates

Hamilton Cove--Avalon, Santa Catalina Island, Calif.

Builder: Daon Corporation

Architect: Klages Carter Vail & Partners

30--Best High Density Residential Community Grand Award Winner

The City Club--La Jolla, Calif.

Builder: Collins & Wraight Inc.

Architect: Collins & Wraight Inc.

Award of Merit Winners

990 Green Street--San Francisco, Calif.

Builder: Green and Jones Properties

Architect: Sandy & Babcock

Promenade West--Los Angeles, Calif.

Builder: Shapell Government Housing, Inc./Goldrich & Kest

Architect: Kamnitzer & Cotton

Portofino Cove--Huntington Beach, Calif.

Builder: Mola Development Corp.

Architect: McLarand, Vasquez & Partners Inc.

Park Place--Century City--Los Angeles, Calif.

Builder: Century Hill North Co.

Architect: Nadell/Shapiro Architects

Jackson Plaza--San Francisco, Calif.

Builder: Madja Corporation

Architect: Tai Associates/Architects

RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENTS--RENTAL CATEGORIES 31--Best Apartment Project (1 to 2 stories) Grand Award Winner

The Fairways at San Marcos--Chandler, Ariz.

Builder: The Bohm Co.

Architect: Steppe-Wilson Architects

Award of Merit Winners

Stanford Court--Irvine, Calif.

Builder: Irvine Pacific Development Co.

Architect: Richardson Nagy Martin

Ventana Vista Apartments--Tucson, Ariz.

Builder: Schomac Corp.

Architect: Coon and Micena, Architects & Planners

Shiloh--Yuba City, Calif.

Builder: Southard, Meagher and Morrison

Architect: Foothill Design Group

Lantern Cove--Foster City, Calif.

Builder: Grupe Development Co. Northern Calif.

Architect: Sandy & Babcock

Land Planner: Anthony M. Guzzardo & Assoc., Inc.

32--Best Apartment Project (3 stories or more) Grand Award Winner

Lakeside Villas--Phase I--San Antonio, Tex.

Builder: Great American Cos.

Architect: House REH Associates

Merit Award Winners

Pine Lake--Houston, Tex.

Builder: Bland Development

Architect: Kaufman Meeks Inc.

Southwood--Palo Alto, Calif.

Builder: Lincoln Property Co.

Architect: The Steinberg Group

St. Francis Place--San Francisco, Calif.

Builder: St. Francis Place Partnership

Architect: Kaplan/McLaughlin/Diaz

Park 7th Avneue--San Diego, Calif.

Builder: Cal Street Builders

Architect: Krommenhoek/McKeown & Associates
