
Fullerton : Olympian Arrested on Marijuana Charges

An Olympic gold medalist, who coached the U.S. archery team to victory in the 1984 Summer Games, was arrested by police on suspicion of growing marijuana in his backyard.

John Chester Williams, 32, was released on his own recognizance shortly after his arrest Thursday, Detective Kevin Hamilton said.

Police also arrested his wife, Tamera, 27, and she also was released on her own recognizance, Hamilton said.


The couple’s arrest followed an anonymous telephone tip, Hamilton said. More than 30 pounds of marijuana were found inside their house, and 27 marijuana plants were growing outside, the detective said.

“He told us the stuff was for his personal use and that he had been growing it and harvesting it there for a little over three years,” Hamilton said.

Williams, who works as manager of a sporting goods store in Puente Hills, won a gold medal at age 19 in the 1972 Olympic Games at Munich.
