
It’s a Novel Way to Settle a Score

First, they play 90 scoreless minutes. This is exciting; it’s like going to Dodger Stadium. Then they play 30 more minutes, also scoreless. (Vinnie would say “It’s a dandy!” He’d probably add that tickets are available for the next matches four years hence, “ . . . but they’re goin’ fast.”) Then, they bring out the five designated kickers.

And this is how, every four years, they decide the World Cup.

No wonder the universe is crazy about this sport, this event. If only baseball would take two teams (say, Seattle and Pittsburgh) and let them play nine innings, and then allow them to play a few extra innings. Then, with the fans breathless with anticipation, they would trot out five sluggers each for the home run derby. And, in this way, one would determine the world championship of a major sport. No wonder soccer is more popular than baseball.


Santa Monica
