
Prayers at Public School Graduation

I was very sad to read in the newspaper about the agreement which was made between the L.A. School District and the American Civil Liberties Union to ban religious invocations during graduation ceremonies at Los Angeles schools this year, and I assume, in the future.

I feel like I understand the need for sensitivity for the beliefs and non-beliefs of others. But this should not rule out the belief of over 60% of the country. George Gallup Jr. made an extensive poll of our country about two years ago. He found that over 60% of the citizens of the United States believe in God.

To rule out prayer at public gatherings is to let the minority control the majority. At least, prayer at school graduations should be alternated every other year.


I am the minister of the West Valley Christian Church in Canoga Park. This kind of thinking has been the very thing that has forced our church to start our own Christian School for over 400 students from preschool through grade 12.

We have opening prayers for all Chamber of Commerce meetings, the United States Senate, the House of Representatives and the U.S. Supreme Court. Why can’t we have it at our school graduation ceremonies?


Canoga Park
