
Wife of David Begelman Dies of Leukemia

Gladyce Begelman, wife of film executive David Begelman, died Friday at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center where she had been undergoing treatment for leukemia. She was 55.

Mrs. Begelman was a member of numerous organizations, including the Amazing Blue Ribbon 400, the Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs, the Women’s Guild of Cedars-Sinai Medical Center and the Board of Councilors of the University of Southern California School of Social Work.

She also was on the board of the Rape Treatment Center of Santa Monica Hospital as well as a member of Women in Film and the Scott Newman Foundation for Drug Abuse. She was a founding contributor to the Museum of Contemporary Art and the Children’s Museum.


In addition to her philanthropic work, Mrs. Begelman was planning director for a party consultant firm. She was a writer and co-author of the book, “New York on $1,000 a Day Before Lunch.”

She was born in New York City and attended the University of Miami before her first marriage to New York real estate executive Lewis Rudin. She had residences in Beverly Hills and New York City.

In addition to her husband, she leaves a daughter, Beth Rudin DeWoody; a son, William Rudin; four grandchildren; her mother, Ida Largever, and a brother, Arnold Largever.


Services will be at 10 a.m. Sunday at Hillside Memorial Park Chapel.
