

As part of a continuing management reorganization, the board of governors of the Performing Arts Council of the Music Center of Los Angeles County voted itself a new name this week. The board members agreed to drop “Performing Arts Council” from the organization’s title and to be call itself only the “Music Center of Los Angeles County.”

The name change follows the appointment earlier this month of Francis L. Dale, former publisher of the Los Angeles Herald Examiner, to the new post of president of the arts complex.

Dale’s appointment and the name change mark an effort to consolidate the duties of the two principal divisions of the Music Center, said spokeswoman Claire Segal. She said the name change was part of an effort “to uncomplicate the place a bit.”


The Performing Arts Council has functioned as the chief fund-raising and policy-making arm of the center while administration of the complex has been under the authority of the Music Center Operating Co. Under the reorganization, Dale will have greater responsibility than previous center managers for both organizations.

“Nobody ever understood what the Performing Arts Council was anyway,” Segal said.
