
36th Victim of Green River Killer Identified

Associated Press

The number of confirmed victims of the Green River serial murderer rose to 36 Tuesday with the identification of a partial skeleton as that of a young woman missing since 1983.

Ten young women still are missing and feared slain by the man police have tracked unsuccessfully for four years. The partial skeleton found Saturday in woods about 35 miles east of Seattle was identified Tuesday as 19-year-old Kimberly L. Nelson.

The Green River killer, named for the river south of Seattle where the first five bodies were found in 1982, has preyed mainly on young prostitutes and transients. Nelson had “numerous contacts with King County and Seattle police for loitering and prostitution,” said Fae Brooks, a spokeswoman for the Green River Task Force, the police squad seeking the killer.


Nelson disappeared Oct. 31, 1983, from the “Sea-Tac strip,” an area south of Seattle then frequented by prostitutes.
