
Deukmejian and Rose Bird

How can politicians, in all good conscience, use Chief Justice Bird as a means for political gain? Rose Bird has to be a remarkably strong woman to keep her comments to herself and controlling herself in public.

My deep sympathies and apologies on behalf of the selfish politicians of this state go to Bird. I guess people don’t realize that she is but one vote on the Supreme Court. To overturn a death sentence, there has to be a majority vote of the court. Bird’s vote doesn’t count any more or less than anyone else’s.

It is a shame that politicians like Mike Curb and George Deukmejian are trying to make judges become political figures who respond directly to the will of the people. That is not their job. Judges of the Supreme Court are to interpret the Constitution as best they see fit.

Judges, especially those on the Supreme Court, should not be thrust into the political arena. Let them alone and let them do their job. Nobody likes to be told how to do his own job.


To Rose Elizabeth Bird, I say, “Hang in there. You’ve got supporters out here who listen and think.”


El Monte
