
Deukmejian and Rose Bird

I wish that Gov. Deukmejian had been reminded over and over during his growing-up years, as I was by my father, that in this country we respect “the rule of law, not the rule of man.” He might then not have made the genuinely silly remarks attributed to him.

The governor accuses Chief Justice Bird of not “giving great deference to the will of the people,” and having “ruled against the people.” He is also quoted as being for “judicial independence” but goes on to demonstrate that he understands that concept no better than he appears to understand the functions of the courts.

It is distressing to me that a governor appears willing for political reasons to attack a chief justice who, so far as I can see, has been conscientious and thorough in performing her duties as judge. It is even more distressing to read opinions by our chief state executive that demonstrate a failure to comprehend the basic structure of our government.



