
Providing Assistance in a Direct Way to Those in Need

The self-righteous editors of The Times--who condemned the residents of Anaheim for opposing a flophouse for transients in their neighborhood--should step down from their ivory towers, probably in Newport Beach or Beverly Hills and see how the other half lives!

Why are lower- and middle-income Americans expected to welcome into their neighborhoods, in the midst of their children, numerous loitering bums--euphemistically termed “homeless?”

The majority of the poverty-stricken are women and children and families who cannot afford all the deposits required for an apartment these days and are lucky to find a motel room with a hot plate or a campsite.


But the so-called homeless we see on TV or in our own streets (en route to a free meal from a local pastor engaging in his very own social justice project) are not women or children. All we ever see are able-bodied men, sometimes young, always filthy, some mentally ill. Let us bus them to a shelter in Beverly Hills for a change!


Santa Ana
