
Angry Man Punches Out Bank Window

A 22-year-old Burbank man suffered cuts on his right hand Saturday when he punched out a window at a Security Pacific National Bank after an electronic teller machine failed to issue him the cash he had tried to withdraw from his account, Burbank police reported.

The man, Daniel Reynolds, told police he became angry when the cash failed to materialize after he inserted his authorization card and punched his secret code at a Ready Teller machine in the 100 block of East Olive Avenue about 1:30 p.m., Lt. Talbert Kanigher said.

Reynolds took his wrath out on a 2 1/2-by-7-foot window next to the machine, slamming it with his fist, Kanigher said.


“He told us he just got a little too fired up,” Kanigher said. “He’s going to have to pay for the window, probably a couple hundred bucks.”

Reynolds was treated at a hospital for cuts and was released. He was also cited for malicious mischief, a misdemeanor, and faces a fine, Kanigher said.
