
Airing Both Sides of Murray Flap

Sylvester Murray’s recent interview in The Times (“The Credo of Sylvester Murray: When in Command, Command,” June 1) raised many questions about power, politics and propriety. When a public official knowingly bares his soul to a group of reporters, he must be accountable for what he has said. The fact that he has apologized for the crudity of his remarks does not alter the fact that his statements definitely reveal a bitterness toward law enforcement and a resentment of the white majority.

When a person is in a position of authority, his choice of words is just as important as his choice of policies or personnel. Had Mr. Murray spoken as candidly when he was interviewed by the City Council, it is highly unlikely that he would have been selected as our city manager.

Perhaps The Times should interview the next candidate!


La Jolla
