
Medical Care in Canada, United States

The Canadian health plan may not be perfect, but it sounds far preferable to what we provide for many of our own citizens. If we offer all Americans a public education, paid for by taxes, then we can also offer them all a public health service, paid for by taxes.

Of course, if you want to go to a private school, you can do so by paying extra; if you want a private room in the hospital, you would be able to buy supplementary insurance.

A public health system would ensure that no one would ever have to be afraid of not being able to afford adequate health care. Not all Americans are rich, or employed; at least 40 million people have grossly inadequate or no medical insurance, and when seriously ill have no choice but to demean themselves by having to declare indigence.


Proper health care, like good education, should be a right for all Americans.


Laguna Beach
