
Fishing Report : Big Stripers Biting at Lake San Antonio

Several big striped bass are being reported at Lake San Antonio near Paso Robles, just in time for Sunday’s Father’s Day Derby, when a tagged striper will be worth $50,000.

The stripers have recently been biting on the surface near the South Shore Marina. Using shad for bait, Joyce Lemay of Hanford landed a 21-pounder, and Jim Mansell of Coalinga caught a 17-pound 6-ounce fish.

WILLOW BEACH--Excellent for rainbow trout, mostly two to four pounds. Several limits reported. Chalk Cliff area most productive. Trolling best bet.


BULLHEAD CITY--Stripers hitting on river, mostly in the 6-pound range, but fish up to 24 pounds being reported. Catfish starting to bite on river and lake. Largemouth bass slow. Trout biting on lake. Trolling best bet.

SALTON SEA--Corvina bite very good from North Shore State Park to Bombay Beach. Carlius Johnson, San Bernardino, 22-4 corvina using live bait at North Shore. Talapia and croaker very good throughout lake.

LAKE SAN ANTONIO--Stripers excellent, averaging 12-0. Biting on surface near South Shore Marina. Chad best bet. Catfish good.


LAKE NACIMIENTO--Largemouth bass slow. Smallmouth bass good near gravel and small pebble shorelines. Spinners best bet. Crappie fair near brush or fallen trees. Catfish fair. Nightcrawlers best bet. White bass active.

LAKE CASITAS--Trout active at about 20 feet. Needlefish lure best bet. Bass, catfish also biting.

PYRAMID LAKE--Recently planted trout biting. Stripers very good, between 4-10 pounds. Several limits reported. Kenny Kloeppel, Tujunga, 20-pound striper. Fishing on bottom with anchovies best bet. Largemouth, crappie and bluegills picking up.


LAKE PIRU--Trout bite good. Trolling with lead-core line best bet. Still-fishing with cheese and marshmallows also good near dam. Bass fair.

CASTAIC LAKE--Heavy catfish bite. Bob Peckinpaugh, Granada Hills, 9-12 catfish. Nightcrawlers best bet. Trout, bass good. Bill Gentry, Sun Valley, 10-5 bass.

LAKE ISABELLA--Catfish good near South Fork area. Bass good near trees. Crappie good. Tube and boat fishermen getting best results.

IRVINE LAKE--Catfish good. Nightcrawlers and mackerel best bets. Crappie very good. Tony McMann, Orange, three crappie weighing seven pounds. Bluegills very good.

BIG BEAR LAKE--Trout very good all over lake. Still-fishing at Shelter Cove, Metcalf Bay, and Rock Wall productive. Trolling with flashers good at South Shore near Dam.

BISHOP AREA--Good for rainbow trout at Lake Sabrina. Trolling and shore fishing productive. South Lake producing limits. Intake II good for trout. Bubble-and-fly rigs in evening best bet. North Lake fair. Streams running high and clear. All lakes above 9,500 feet still frozen.


CONVICT LAKE--Trout slow. Trolling with needlefish lures or shore fishing with floating worms and marshmallows offer best chances.

JUNE LAKE LOOP--June: Good for trout using salmon eggs and marshmallows or trolling with gold-colored lures. Grant: Very good for trout in mornings. Several limits reported. Worms and marshmallows during day and flies on surface in evening best bets. Gull: Trout good. Marshmallows best bet.


The Times accepts and publishes the catch count as a public service. Any responsibility for accuracy is that of the landing operator.

SAN SIMEON--27 anglers (2 boats): 7 ling cod, 16 rock cod, 341 red rock cod, 28 red snapper, 10 yellow bass, 7 cow cod.

MORRO BAY (Virg’s Landing)--16 anglers (1 boat): 10 ling cod, 141 rock cod, 3 red rock cod, 6 red snapper, 21 yellow bass, 3 king salmon.

SANTA BARBARA (Sea Landing)--62 anglers (4 boats): 279 calico bass, 7 sand bass, 50 red snapper, 147 rockfish, 25 whitefish.


VENTURA (Ventura Landing)--29 anglers (1 boat): 37 sand bass, 18 calico bass, 200 rockfish, 1 halibut.

OXNARD--132 anglers (6 boats): 2 yellowtail, 375 calico bass, 72 whitefish, 40 barracuda, 421 rockfish, 2 ling cod, 2 cow cod, 300 rock cod.

PORT HUENEME--26 anglers (2 boats): 222 rock cod, 4 cow cod, 118 calico bass, 37 rockfish.

MALIBU--34 anglers (2 boats): 100 red snapper, 91 rock cod.

MARINA DEL REY--43 anglers (3 boats): 38 calico bass, 6 sand bass, 15 rockfish, 1 sole, 105 rock cod, 1 cow cod, 10 mackerel.

REDONDO--140 anglers (6 boats): 2 yellowtail, 11 barracuda, 600 calico bass, 1 halibut, 239 mackerel, 61 rockfish. Barge--26 anglers: 1 bonito, 5 bass, 1 barracuda, 150 mackerel, 50 rockfish.

SAN PEDRO (22nd St. Landing)--135 anglers (4 boats): 518 calico bass, 171 sand bass, 113 bonito, 24 barracuda, 7 yellowtail, 3 halibut, 235 rockfish. (Ports O’ Call)--76 anglers (3 boats): 148 calico bass, 12 sand bass, 3 rockfish, 142 mackerel, 15 barracuda, 1 white sea bass.

LONG BEACH (Belmont Pier)--56 anglers (2 boats): 25 sand bass, 41 calico bass, 17 barracuda, 150 mackerel. (Queen’s Wharf)--86 anglers (3 boats): 1 yellowtail, 28 barracuda, 70 bonito, 421 calico bass, 13 sand bass, 21 rockfish, 14 whitefish, 86 perch.


SEAL BEACH--40 anglers (1 boat): 22 barracuda, 150 calico bass, 100 mackerel.

NEWPORT (Newport Landing)--96 anglers (3 boats): 218 calico bass, 51 sand bass, 110 mackerel. (Davey’s Locker)--164 anglers (5 boats): 115 barracuda, 162 bonito, 3 yellowtail, 1 halibut, 391 calico bass, 266 sand bass, 475 mackerel, 10 sole, 2 white sea bass.

DANA WHARF--120 anglers (6 boats): 125 bass, 37 barracuda, 178 mackerel, 22 rockfish, 1 white sea bass.

OCEANSIDE--76 anglers (4 boats): 71 barracuda, 160 calico bass, 50 sand bass, 5 rockfish, 1 sole, 243 mackerel.

SAN DIEGO (H&M; Landing, Fisherman’s, Point Loma)--244 anglers (14 boats): 53 yellowtail, 715 calico bass, 360 barracuda, 36 bonito, 1 white sea bass, 30 mackerel, 125 rockfish. (Seaforth)--189 anglers (6 boats): 11 yellowtail, 68 barracuda, 95 bonito, 255 calico bass, 35 sand bass, 33 rock fish, 343 mackerel. (Islandia)--165 anglers (5 boats): 7 yellowtail, 32 barracuda, 19 bonito, 277 calico bass, 16 sand bass, 82 rockfish, 1 cabazon, 4 rockfish, 152 mackerel.

Trout Plants

A list of waters, by counties, scheduled to be planted by the Department of Fish and Game, weather and road conditions permitting:

LOS ANGELES--Arroyo Seco Creek, Big Tujunga Creek (Upper), Bouquet Canyon Creek, Castaic Lake, Crystal Lake, Elizabeth Lake, Piru Creek (Frenchman’s Flat), Pyramid Lake, San Gabriel River (East and West forks).


SAN BERNARDINO--Big Bear Lake, Gregory Lake, Jenks Lake, Lytle Creek (Middle and North Forks), Santa Ana River (South Fork).

RIVERSIDE--Dark Canyon Creek, Fuller-Mill Creek, Fulmor Lake, Strawberry Creek.

SAN DIEGO--Cuyamaca Lake, San Luis Rey River, Sweetwater River.

VENTURA--Piru Lake.

KERN--Alder Creek, Cedar Creek, Erskine Creek, Kern River (Democrat Dam to KR1 powerhouse, Borell powerhouse to Democrat Dam, Isabella Dam to Borell powerhouse, KR3 powerhouse to Lake Isabella).

TULARE--Bone Creek, Deer Creek, Dry Meadow Creek, Freeman Creek, Kern River (South Fork), Kern River (Fairview Dam to KR3 powerhouse, Johnsondale Bridge to Fairview Dam), Nobe Young Creek, Peppermint Creek (Upper and Lower), Poso Creek, South Creek, Tule River (Middle Fork, North and South forks of Main Fork, Cedar Slope area), White River.

ALPINE--Carson River (East and West Forks), Markleeville Creek, Pleasant Valley Creek, Silver Creek.

INYO--Baker Creek, Big Pine Creek, Bishop Creek (Lower, Middle, South and Intake II), Georges Creek, Independence Creek, Lake Sabrina, Lone Pine Creek, Owens River (below Tinemeha, Laws Bridge downstream to Stewart Lane), Shepherds Creek, Taboose Creek, Tinemeha Creek, Tuttle Creek.

MONO--Bridgeport Reservoir, Buckeye Creek, Convict Creek, Convict Lake, Deadman Creek, Glass Creek, Grant Lake, Green Creek, Gull Lake, June Lake, Lee Vining Creek, Little Walker River, Lundy Lake, Mammoth Creek, McGee Creek, Mill Creek, Owens River (Benton Crossing and Big Springs), Pleasant Valley Reservoir, Robinson Creek, Rock Creek (Paradise Camp to Tom’s Place, Tom’s Place upstream to Rock Creek Lake), Rock Creek Lake, Rush Creek, Sherwin Creek, Silver Lake, Swauger Creek, Twin Lakes Bridgeport (Upper and Lower), Twin Lakes Mammoth, Virginia Creek, Walker River (Chris Flat campground to town of Walker, Leavitt Meadows campground to Sonora Bridge).
