
Newport Beach

Guitarist Leaves Home: Surf guitarist Dick Dale moved out of his Balboa Peninsula home Tuesday afternoon, and county marshals turned the house over to a savings and loan that had foreclosed on the property. “He was moving out this afternoon,” Marshal James C. Byham said. “He was just gathering some personal belongings.” Dale, founder of the Deltones and one of the creators of the surf music craze of the early 1960s, won a brief delay last month of an eviction order that had been issued at the request of Orange Coast Thrift & Loan. Orange Coast had foreclosed on the property after Dale failed to make payments on a $989,000 loan secured by the house. Dale filed for bankruptcy in July, 1984. In a separate lawsuit, Dale alleged that Orange Coast had committed fraud in the transaction and charged him the “usurious” interest rate of 31% on the loan.
