
Response From School Protesters

This correspondence is in response to the recent letter to the Los Angeles Times written by Walter Picker (regarding a protest at Culver City Middle School against his wife, Principal Ann Picker).

We are not (as Picker wrote) a “small group of activist teachers (primarily union members),” but a large group of involved educators, very concerned about the quality of education at Culver City Middle School, low teacher morale, and the recent transfer of a valued, respected member of our staff (Lorraine Secor). Our affiliation is not an issue. We are California Teachers Assn. members, union members and non-affiliates. For the majority of us, this is the first time we have felt the need to voice our opinions and concerns publicly.

Our goal is academic excellence, which we feel cannot be attained under the present conditions.


(Signed by)

34 staff members of

Culver City Middle School
